If you have reached this page you deserve a very BIGGG CONGRATULATIONS!

You have successfully completed the core five modules of the course and you should be feeling very proud of yourself. Don’t feel bad if you’re not producing images like a pro yet. First you need to learn the controls (tick!) now you need to practise until the controls are ‘auto pilot’ and THEN you can put your full focus into being creative.

Once you have submitted this questionnaire you will be invited to the private Facebook group (if you’re not already a member) where you will receive the opportunity to participate in a challenge every month. If you look back through other members work you will see how far some of them have progressed in quite a short space of time.

You will also unlock the bonus content ‘Optimise Images for Online Use’ and ‘Managing White Balance’ which will help you make the most of your images after you have shot them.

As always, if you ever have a burning question I’m very happy to help you.

Happy snapping! Fran :)